Measure M
The C/CAG sponsored Measure M, approved by the voters of San Mateo County in 2010, impose an annual fee of ten dollars ($10) on motor vehicles registered in San Mateo County for transportation-related traffic congestion and water pollution mitigation programs. The revenue is estimated at $6.7 million annually over a 25 year period. Per the Expenditure Plan, 50% of the net proceeds will be allocated to cities/County for local streets and roads and 50% will be used for countywide transportation programs such as transit operations, regional traffic congestion management, water pollution prevention, and safe routes to school.
Measure M legislative text and Expenditure Plan 2010
Measure M Strategic Implementation Plan FY22-27 – FULL
Measure M Implementation Plan FY22-27 Only – For Funding Recipients
Measure M Implementation Plan FY17-FY21
Measure M Implementation Plan FY11-FY16
Measure M 5-Year Performance Report FY17-21
Measure M Annual Report FY17 & FY18