Congestion Management and Environmental Quality

The Congestion Management and Environmental Quality Committee (CMEQ) provides advice and recommendations to the C/CAG Board of Directors on all matters relating to traffic congestion management, travel demand management, coordination of land use and transportation planning, mobile source air quality programs, energy resources and conservation, and other environmental issues facing the local jurisdictions in San Mateo County.

The CMEQ committee is composed of 9 elected seats, plus one seat each from the following: business community; environmental community; agencies with transportation interests; SamTrans; Caltrain; Metropolitan Transportation Commission; Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART); and one general public member.

Notice for the November 25, 2024, C/CAG CMEQ Committee Meeting (CANCELED)



Public Comment: Persons who wish to address the C/CAG CMEQ Committee at this meeting are asked to submit comments in writing to by 2:00 PM on TBD.  Detailed information on how to submit comments is provided in the meeting agenda.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Webinar ID: 852 2995 1343

Passcode: 269693

Join by Phone: 

Webinar ID: 852 2995 1343

Passcode: 269693


Upcoming Meetings

2024 CMEQ Calendar

None at this time.

Past Meetings

November 25, 2024 
October 28, 2024 
Additional Meeting Materials: 5_CCAG_CMEQ GHG_102824_Final, 6 A4 - OneWatershed-TAC-Charter_FINAL, 6 A5 - OneWatershed EPCWG-Charter, 6 A6 - OneWatershed_WorkPlan_Final, 6 A7 - OneWatershed_CEP_20240402_FINAL
Presentations: CMEQ_Stormwater_Updates_102824_Final
September 30, 2024 
Additional Meeting Materials: 7_FY 2022-2023 SRTS Annual Report_Final, Safe Routes to School Annual Report CMEQ Commitee Presentation
August 26, 2024 
June 24, 2024 
May 20, 2024 
Additional Meeting Materials: 7 A2 28717_CCAG Countywide LRSP - Countywide, 8 A1 MTC_ResNo_4321_STA_Pop-Based_Funds, 9 A1 CCAG Strategic Plan Framework_DRAFT 05-09-24
Presentations: Lifeline Transportation Program Cycle 7_CMEQ 5.20.24
April 29, 2024 
Presentations: CCAG CMEQ_TDM Monitoring_4.29.24
March 25, 2024 
Additional Meeting Materials: 6 A2_CCAG Countywide LRSP - Countywide Chapter, 6 A3_CCAG Countywide LRSP Combined no appendices, 28717_CCAG LRSP_CMP CMEQ Meeting_2024-03-25
February 26, 2024 
January 29, 2024 
November 27, 2023 
October 30, 2023 
Additional Meeting Materials: 5 -A2-CCAG-Equity-Framework_Draft-Report_10.6.23, 6 A2 CCAG CMP Monitoring Report2023Final, 6 A3 CCAGCMP2023Final wAppendix
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Name Representing
Dick Brown (Woodside Town Council Member) Elected Official
Tom McCune (Belmont City Council Member) Elected Official
Pranita Venkatesh (San Carlos Council Member) Elected Official
Vacant Elected Official
Stacy Jimenez (Foster City Council Member) Elected Official
Stacy Miles-Holland (Atherton Council Member) Elected Official
Juslyn Manalo (Daly City Council Member) Elected Official
Vacant Elected Official
Vacant Elected Official
Gina Papan (MTC Commissioner) Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
Vacant Business Community
Deborah Penrose Agencies with Transportation Interests
Mollie Carter Environmental Community
Richard Hedges Public Member
Peter Ratto San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans)
Pam Herhold Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
Vacant Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (Caltrain)


Gina Papan

Vice Chair:
Dick Brown

Staff Support:
Jeff Lacap, Eva Gaye