
C/CAG receives funding from regional partner agencies.  Transportation funding is made available through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and includes State and Federal funding sources.  Funding for air quality projects is provided through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.

Transportation Development Act Article 3 (TDA 3)

Transportation Development Act Article 3 (TDA 3) funds are made available through State funds and are distributed by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to C/CAG on a formula basis. As the program administrator for San Mateo County, C/CAG issues a call for project nominations for eligible bicycle and/or pedestrian projects within the county. Eligible applicants include the 20 cities, the County, and any joint powers agencies in San Mateo.

MTC Resolution 4108: TDA Article 3 (Bicycle and Pedestrian) Policies and Procedures

Upcoming Call for Projects:

FY 2023-2024 Call for Projects is now open until November 13, 2023. Please check Call for Projects for more information.

List of projects funded by TDA 3 in FY 2021-2022:

Planning Project:

Colma Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
Plan to envision a safer, more connected active transportation system in Colma.

Capital Projects:

South San Francisco: Hillside Boulevard Road Diet Improvements
Separated bike lanes, signalized intersection, crosswalks, ADA curb ramps & extensions.

Burlingame: Murchison Drive, Trousdale Drive, Davis Drive Bicycle Route
Adding approx. 1.3 miles of bicycle facilities in support of Safe Routes to School.

Brisbane: Alley Walkway – Alvarado St to San Benito Rd
Concrete stairway path, lighting bollards, a handrail, crosswalk, signage.

San Carlos: San Carlos Ave. Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project Phase III
Sidewalk, curb/gutter, bike lane in an unimproved segment in major thoroughfare.

East Palo Alto: University Ave & Michigan Ave Intersection Improvements
ADA bulbouts, median improvement, Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB), striping, signs.

Pacifica: Palmetto & Esplanade Ave. Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvement Project
1.4 miles of Class II bicycle lanes and 0.5 miles of Class IIIB bicycle boulevards.