C/CAG Plan Bay Area 2040
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has initiated the update of its long-range Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/ SCS), to be adopted in the spring of 2017. The RTP/ SCS, also known as Plan Bay Area 2040 (PBA 2040) will detail how the San Francisco Bay Area’s transportation system will be maintained, improved and expanded over the next 25 years.
- 8-30-16 Request for feedback (housing and employment projections)
- MTC Plan Bay Area Workshop Presentation (9-20-16)
- Draft Open Space and Williamson Act draft maps maps: https://mtcdrive.box.com/s/xpmfdxn9hdc8096zavjnd4f731fdak15
- Draft Open Space and Williamson Act data source document: https://mtcdrive.box.com/s/a8n0zjunxr64nu45zq1vjjbije329957 (includes link to interactive ArcGIS map)
- Plan Bay Area web-based application. (for application issues contact Adam Noelting (MTC) at 510-817-5966 or anoelting@mtc.ca.gov)