The San Mateo Countywide Transportation Plan 2040 (SMCTP 2040) was adopted by the C/CAG Board of Directors on February 9, 2017.
The SMCTP 2040 Follow-Up process was initiated by a list of next steps developed to ensure the SMCTP 2040 would be implemented appropriately. The SMCTP 2040 Follow-Up Working Group was formed to guide the development of the Follow-Up Action Plan (Action Plan), which was adopted by the C/CAG Board of Directors on November 8, 2018.
SMCTP 2040 Follow-Up Action Plan
The Action Plan is a living document, updated as necessary, and a guiding tool to C/CAG and its member agencies for implementing the SMCTP 2040 and ensuring appropriate modifications are discussed during the next CTP update.
What is the San Mateo Countywide Transportation Plan?
The San Mateo Countywide Transportation Plan 2040 (SMCTP 2040) is a long-range, comprehensive transportation planning document. The last Countywide Transportation Plan, CTP 2010, was adopted in 2001. Since that time, the county’s population and employment have increased substantially, several major transportation projects have been completed, and many policies have changed at the local, regional, state, and federal levels.
SMCTP 2040 is intended to articulate clear transportation planning goals and objectives to promote consistency and compatibility among all transportation plans and programs within the county. The plan supports an integrated system‐wide approach to transportation planning that gives proper consideration to the countywide transportation network as a whole, not just in its constituent parts.
San Mateo Countywide Transportation Plan Vision Statement
The central vision statement for the SMCTP 2040 is the following:
“Provide an economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable transportation system that offers practical travel choices, enhances public health through changes in the built environment, and fosters inter‐jurisdictional cooperation.”
The central vision is supported by specific vision statements and goals for each element of the plan. These statements of vision and goals provide a framework for decision making that will guide countywide transportation investment, operation and management for the next two decades. The central theme of the statements is that a coordinated, multi-modal approach that relies on advanced technologies and management practices will be required to meet the growing and changing transportation needs of San Mateo County.
Public Workshops
C/CAG hosted three public workshops for the San Mateo Countywide Transportation Plan 2040 in September 2016. The workshops provided an opportunity to learn more about the plan, ask questions, and offer feedback.
SMCTP 2040 Public Workshop Flyer
South San Francisco
Tuesday, September 27, 2016 from 6:30-8:30 pm
Council Chamber – Community Room, Municipal Service Center
33 Arroyo Drive
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Wednesday, September 28, 2016 from 6:30-8:30 pm
Pacifica Police Department – Emergency Operations Center Conference Room (EOC)
2075 Coast Highway
Pacifica, CA 94044
Menlo Park
Thursday, September 29, 2016 from 6:30-8:30 pm
Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, Cypress Room
701 Laurel Street
Menlo Park, CA 94025
SMCTP 2040 Public Workshops Boards
For more information, please e-mail