General Plan Circulation Element Requirements
In California, per the California Complete Streets Act of 2008 (Assembly Bill 1358), all cities and counties are required to include complete streets policies as part of any substantial revision to the circulation element of their general plans. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission has a complete streets requirement for Bay Area jurisdictions that intend to apply for One Bay Area Grant funding.
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Complete Streets Policy Requirements
MTC, via its One Bay Area Grant Program, requires compliance with the California Complete Streets Act of 2008 by January 31, 2015, in order to be eligible for the next OBAG programming cycle. This timing corresponds to the deadline for adoption of updated housing elements for general plans as well.
Resources for Complete Streets Updates of General Plans
The City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (CCAG) recommends the following resources to assist jurisdictions in updating and revising their circulation elements to include complete streets policies:
Model General Plan language on Complete Streets for California Cities and Counties, developed by ChangeLab Solutions
Complete Streets Guidance, published by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research.
Alameda County Transportation Commission has developed a white paper on Best Practices for Incorporating Complete Streets in a Circulation Element.
MTC workshop presentation on Complete Streets design and engineering for urban and rural contexts, June 2013
Sample Staff Report for General Plan Policy Update template: Sample Staff Report General Plan update