Congestion Management Program legislation requires that C/CAG, as the congestion management agency for San Mateo County, develop and maintain a countywide travel demand model. Travel models are tools that can be used to project future transportation conditions, forecast the need for and potential effectiveness of transportation projects and infrastructure improvements, and identify the impacts of land use development.
C/CAG licenses the countywide travel demand model for San Mateo County from the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), which maintains a travel demand model that is optimized for the counties of Santa Clara and San Mateo and accounts for transportation impacts from neighboring counties and regional commute sheds. The C/CAG-VTA Model is a four-step travel demand model implemented in Citilabs Cube Voyager software that is based on the BAYCAST-90 travel forecasting system used by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). More detailed information on the C/CAG-VTA Model is included in the most recently adopted San Mateo County Congestion Management Program.
Project sponsors seeking information from the C/CAG-VTA Model must consult with VTA or one of six pre-qualified modeling firms for various travel model applications. The attached document provides an overview of the process for C/CAG member agencies and planning partners to request authorization to use the C/CAG-VTA Travel Model and seek assistance from a pre-qualified consulting firm. Upon receipt of C/CAG authorization, project sponsors are to contract directly with one of the pre-qualified consulting firms for work.