Alternative Fuel Readiness Plan

What is the Alternative Fuel Readiness Plan (AFRP)?

The Alternative Fuel Readiness Plan for San Mateo County (AFRP) provides an overview of each alternative fuel and presents the motivations for having an alternative fuel readiness plan, including existing legislation and incentives, environmental benefits, and economic factors. The AFRP lays out a number of policy options for local governments to consider, which includes zoning plans, streamlined permitting, coordination with other agencies to increase government fleet alternative fuel vehicle purchases, and regional siting plan development. The AFRP also presents outreach strategies and marketing materials, and provides aggregated training resources for emergency personnel.

The AFRP is intended to guide public agencies, private companies, and individuals regarding the incorporation of alternative fuel vehicles and alternative fuel infrastructure into San Mateo County.

AFRP for San Mateo County

The Alternative Fuel Readiness Plan for San Mateo County covers the following topics:
• Background information about alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles, including federal and state legislation, existing programs to increase alternative fuel use.
• A list of all the federal, state, and local programs and incentives for alternative fuels.
• The challenges to the growth of the alternative fuel vehicles market and its supporting infrastructure.
• Local policy options to increase the use of alternative fuels.
• Training recommendations and resources for government employees and safety officials.
• Outreach and communication strategies to raise awareness about alternative fuels.
• Fuel, vehicle, and infrastructure demand projections for San Mateo County between the years 2015 and 2030.
• Next steps for implementing alternative fuel readiness in San Mateo County.

The AFRP was approved by the C/CAG Board of Directors on February 2016. The final draft of the AFRP and promotional video can be viewed below.

Alternative Fuel Readiness Plan for San Mateo County

Alternative Fuel Readiness Plan Promotional Video

Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Implementation Assistance

C/CAG has retained Life Cycle Associates (LCA), consultants who will be able to provide assistance to the 20 cities and County of San Mateo with expertise on alternative fuels to identify opportunities, solutions and resources targeted to the specific jurisdiction’s needs, including assisting with information on permitting, deploying alternative fuel infrastructure, training personnel, in order to promote increased use of alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure.   Services include outreach, consultation, grant application support, and development of public-private opportunities.  If you need assistance, please contact LCA below.


Jennifer Pont 650-740-0410
Stefan Unnasch 650-461-9048

More information about the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Implementation Assistance can be found here. Alternative Fuel for San Mateo County_Support