Active Transportation

Active transportation is human-powered transportation: walking, running, cycling, using a wheelchair, skateboard, scooter, and more. These modes of transportation add healthy physical activity to getting around town for errands, shopping, or business.

The goal of formalizing Active Transportation as part of government policy and programs is to address traffic congestion while adding a few more minutes of healthy activity to daily life.  Helping people make more of their daily short trips by walking or using bicycles or by making a few trips by bus or train will save taxpayers’ money in the long run. Short trips of less than one mile make up 20 percent of our traffic, but it often takes less time to walk half a mile (10 minutes) than to drive and find parking.

Removing a small percentage of cars from the roads can dramatically improve the flow of traffic at peak times. Research shows that people new to shifting trips away from the car are more likely to start by choosing active transportation for a non-work trip – small shopping trips, going to lunch, getting to the dentist: these represent 70 percent of the trips we make each day. Shifting a few of those to walking cleans up the air and leaves some parking spaces for those who need to drive.

Click here for Resources and Training on Active Transportation best practices.

Click here for Complete Streets guidance and resources.

One role of the Active Transportation Coordinator is to act as a resource for city and county staff to implement the priorities and projects identified in the Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.

San Mateo County Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2021

City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County Countywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan (CBPP) update will set forth detailed goals and objectives to provide an interconnected system of safe, convenient and universally accessible bicycle and pedestrian facilities, for both transportation and recreation.

The update will build upon the 2011 Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan to identify opportunities and resources to address the planning, design, funding, and implementation of bicycle and pedestrian projects of countywide significance.

Why update the Plan now?

The City and County Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) is undertaking the CBPP update effort to focus on the following:

  1. Create places where everyone can walk and bike safely regardless of age or ability

  2. Build networks that are consistent across city or town boundaries and connect key countywide places

  3. Integrate new mobility (such as bikeshare and scooters) and best practices in bicycle and pedestrian design

  4. Provide resources for jurisdictions to receive funding for projects from local, regional, and state grants


The Final Draft Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan will be brought before the Technical Advisory, Congestion Management and Environmental Quality, and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee at their respective May meetings. The Plan will then be brought before the C/CAG Board for final adoption at the June 10th, 2021 meeting. Please see the  2021 San Mateo County Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan  and the Plan webmap for more information.

Please send your questions and comments to

To view the appendices, please see the following links:

CBPP_Appendix A_Design Toolkit

CBPP_Appendix B_Engagment Plan

CBPP_Appendix C_Technical Memoranda

CBPP_Appendix D_Bikeway and Trail Project List (1)

CBPP_Appendix E_Bike Facility Maps


To learn more about the San Mateo County Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan adopted in 2011, please check out the resources below!


San Mateo County Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2011

CBPP_Main Report__Sept2011_FINAL

CBPP_Main Report and Appendix__Sept2011_FINAL


Appendix D – Policy Summary_Sept2011_FINAL

Appendix C – Ped Maps_Sept2011_FINAL

Appendix B – Bike Maps_Sept2011_FINAL

Appendix A – Project Tables_Sept2011_FINAL

00 Resource Guide_Sept2011_FINAL

San Mateo County Bike Plan Map_new


