Congestion Management Program
The City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG), as the Congestion Management Agency for San Mateo County, is required to prepare and adopt a Congestion Management Program (CMP) on a biennial basis. The purpose of the CMP is to identify strategies to respond to future transportation needs, develop procedures to alleviate and control congestion, and promote countywide solutions. The CMP is required to be consistent with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) planning process that includes regional goals, policies, and projects for the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP).
Congestion Management Program Land Use Implementation – TDM Program
Find the latest information on the CMP Land Use Implementation Update: Click Here
Congestion Management Program for 2023
Congestion Management Program for 2021
Congestion Management Program for 2019
Congestion Management Program for 2017
Congestion Management Program for 2015
Congestion Management Program for 2013
Congestion Management Program for 2011
Congestion Management Program for 2009
Congestion Management Program for 2007
Congestion Management Program for 2005