C/CAG Vehicle Miles Traveled/Greenhouse Gas (VMT/GHG) Model Mitigation Program
Following the implementation of SB 743 and the adoption of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as the primary transportation impact metric under CEQA, projects triggering significant VMT impacts must mitigate those impacts as much as feasible. Traditional mitigation approaches, like Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies, focus on on-site efforts, but their impact on reducing VMT is limited. With Caltrans setting a zero-VMT threshold for state highways, adding lanes to highways in San Mateo County could trigger significant impacts, requiring mitigation. Other potential large project may also find it challenging to mitigate induced VMT onsite.
In response, there is growing interest in broader, off-site mitigation programs that could lead to more significant VMT reductions. The City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) has developed a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)/Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Model Mitigation Program. This initiative enables project sponsors to fund transportation improvements that mitigate VMT and GHG impacts from land use and transportation projects, with an eye on equity and Equity Focua Area communities in San Mateo County. The program builds on C/CAG’s prior work, including the TDM Program and VMT Estimation Tool, offering technical resources to reduce VMT and emissions, and the RICAPS GHG mitigation program. The following documents are the final report and spreadsheet of mitigation actions and best practices identified, based on community-based organization input and evaluation of cost effectiveness.
Final Report – C/CAG VMT/GHG Model Mitigation Program
Appendix A – Outreach Plan and Discussion Guide
Appendix B – VMT Equity and Environmental Justice Recommendations
Appendix C – Affordable Housing VMT Mitigation
Appendix D – GHG Mitigation Memo
Appendix E – Additional Supporting Information
Appendix F – Landscape Review of Impact Fees
Additional Materials